Who we are

Infopro Digital Automotive is an Automotive Data and Software Expert

We help automotive professional businesses in North America to succeed in an increasingly complex and digital world with targeted solutions.

Business professionals discussing in a glass meeting room, symbolizing Infopro Digital Automotive's expertise in automotive data and software

Who we are

The core of Infopro Digital

Infopro Digital Automotive is the automotive division of international group Infopro Digital, with headquarters in Paris.

Our international growth policy has been key in determining our success at a global level. Furthermore, to provide the best solutions worldwide, we at Infopro Digital Automotive, continuously strive to improve by enhancing our knowledge and the quality of our offering. Consequently, our international growth has led to an ever-evolving connection of expertise seamlessly channelled through the desire to bring technologies together and to support our customers with solutions that are a perfect fit for them.

Ultimately, our goal is to connect and inform all communities of the automotive aftermarket industry by providing them with key information through full end-to-end solutions that help them boost their business and work to their full potential.

Illustration of fiat 500 car representing Infopro Digital Automotive

Our ambition

Infopro Digital Automotive’s

We bring intelligence and innovation to the global automotive aftermarket by offering a suite of end-to-end digital solutions for an evolving market.​

We provide technical information and digital solutions to create an ecosystem that improves the quality and performance of automotive professionals.

  • 35
  • + 900
  • 8
    R&D Centres in Europe
  • + 150 K
    Users in Europe

What we do

Infopro Digital Automotive’s Goals

We at Infopro Digital Automotive strive to support our customers in facing market changes and effectively strengthening their competitiveness.

We deliver end-to-end solutions, thereby empowering businesses to increase revenue through the generation of new opportunities and sales. Our aim is to optimize operational speed and efficiency, thus providing enhanced insights to improve overall productivity and efficiency.

puzzle of 4 photos representing the family of products infopro digital automotive offers the market

Additionally, Infopro Digital Automotive’s solutions support our customers significantly thanks to our widespread presence on the ground. Our sales, development, marketing, and training teams are multilingual and experienced in numerous configurations that specifically take into account each country’s commercial and cultural specificities.

We offer both B2B and B2C solutions that are interfaced with most of the tools available on the market, resulting in a wide range of possibilities that can suit our customer’s needs.

Discover our solutions

  • Illustration of a car wiring diagram representing Technical Data and Vehicle Repair Informations

    Automotive Technical Data and Repair & Maintenance Information

    Explore now
  • Icon with PC and spare part representing B2B Catalogues and Platforms

    Parts Catalogues and B2B platforms

    Explore now
  • Illustration with pc and ERP symbol representing ERPS and Dealer management systems

    ERPs and Dealer Management Systems

    Explore now
  • Illustration of a growing graph representing Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing solutions

    Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing

    Explore now

Where we came from

Infopro Digital: a Customer-Oriented Culture

Infopro Digital Automotive is part of Infopro Digital, founded in 2001 in France by Christophe Czajka. Today, it counts 4,000 employees in 18 countries.

Infopro Digital is a B2B group specializing in information, data, and technologies. Its solutions are aimed at business communities in five key economic sectors: construction & public sector, automotive, risk & insurance, industry and retail.

Thanks to the group’s sectoral expertise, Infopro Digital covers all strategic business needs with the aim of helping professionals and businesses succeed in an increasingly complex and digital world.

Driven by action and innovation, Infopro Digital’s activities aim to increase their clients’ performance and productivity by helping them make the right decisions at the right time, detect opportunities at an early stage to get ahead of the competition, develop privileged relationships with their communities and adopt the latest technologies before they become tomorrow’s standards.

At Infopro Digital, we combine human intelligence and technology to help professionals, public sector employees and private businesses of all sizes navigate their transformation.

Where we are

The other companies behind the Infopro Digital Automotive name

photo with 4 people from the infopro digital automotive team discussing

Take a tour of the local brands that make Infopro Digital Automotive so strong

Infopro Digital Automotive History


Hold logo ETAI



Foundation of E.T.A.I. in France
and first printed RTA.



ETAI Ibérica

Set up of E.T.A.I Ibérica, the first foreign subsidiary for Spain
and Portugal.


Infopro Digital Automotive History - icon representing Infopro's early digital software


First step towards digital innovation

Launch of the first digital tools
or quotations and repair methods.



Infopro Automotive comes to Italy

Acquisition of Autronica, a technical data provider in Italy.




Acquisition of Inovaxo, a French leader in management software for parts and tire dealers



Haynes arrives too

Acquisition of HaynesPro, one of Europe’s leading providers of technical automotive data together with Infopro Digital Automotive.



Spanish market growth

Acquisition of the Spanish company Isi Condal.



Increasing expertise in ERPs

Acquisition of the French company Sogexis and addition of their tool Carooline to our portfolio.


Our History: New look for Infopro Digital Automotive unveiled


A new look unveiled

Our automotive division has launched a new, unified corporate image for all branches, thus displaying an international, innovative and strong brand on a global scale.



DriveRightData joins us

Infopro Digital Automotive announces the strategic acquisition of DriveRightData, a global tyre and wheel data English company

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